Thursday, 22 March 2018

Dragons - Celebrating Chinese New Year

As we embraced Chinese New Year at the start of the month, we looked at the symbolism of dragons in the Chinese culture. Dragons traditionally symbolise potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it in East the tension building, to drum beats, between the colourful, silk dragon and the fiery sun that remains elusive in the chase throughout the dance. The story goes that the dragon wants to extinguish light (the pursuit of the sun) but is frightened away from villages by sources of light and noise from firecrackers and villagers drums.

We sketched with fine pens and dyed our dragons carefully with a fine brush using red, orange or yellow dye. We also described a dragon’s qualities in a poem using description language. We looked at their physical powers, movement and mythical attributes. These precise words help form visual imagery in our poems.

We enjoyed listening to quiet Chinese music played on traditional instruments while the artists worked on their dragons.




Project Jonah and our Sea Mural

We have completed our collaborative masterpiece. The discussion, debate and fun in planning, designing, creating and finalising our project have resulted in a very pleasing piece of art. A spark of an idea from Chanel during the start of Sea Week ignited this project.

Concept Drawing by Cynthia, Indy and Leora
Debating the location of Titanic's final resting place.
All Hands to the Deck
Attention to detail!

Blending carefully.

Collaborative effort.
Project Jonah's Team came to visit Sunnyhills on Wednesday. We learned so much information. Did you know that there are 88 different types of whales and dolphins in the oceans worldwide, and 44 of those species are found in New Zealand waters? We are home to the endemic endangered Hector Dolphin - the smallest dolphin in the world. It was tragic to hear on five being killed in fishing nets this week. The size of these magnificent creatures of the sea was measured out with a tape measure - wow - the size of the smallest dolphin is as big as a Year 3 student right through to the Blue Whale that would span the width of our Sunnyhills Hall as you face the stage!

We learned how to take charge of a whale stranding and the steps we should take to ensure their well being. 
  • Call 0800 4 WHALE or 111 and ask for the Fire Service

Final Placement Decisions
While you wait - get started on the rescue:
  1. Keep the whales or dolphins wet with sea water (they are sea creatures)
  2. Don't cover their blowhole (they breathe oxygen) or their eyes (they like to see what is going on)
  3. Cover them with wet sheets - this keeps them wet and protects them from sunburn
Why do whales, orca and dolphins get stranded? There are a number of reasons including being unwell and malnourished OR because they are chasing their favourite food source into shallow waters and then get stuck. Orcas LOVE stingrays. 

Many sea creatures die because of ingesting plastic. What can we do? Be sure that plastic doesn't go into the ocean via the storm-water drains - pickup rubbish on our roads and beaches. Be part of the NO PLASTIC movement to help our planet and its amazing creatures. 

Come in and see our Sea Mural sometime!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Cans to Lend a Helping Hand - Bring in by Friday

We have been provoked into action. Our class discovered a car on the edge of our school field that looked like it may have had a family living in it. We talked about how this situation has become a reality for so many more Auckland families. What can we do to help in a practical way? Can we make a difference for those who may be temporarily or more permanently in need of help?

Yes we can! Bring a can. On Friday, we have the Auckland City Mission coming to talk to the Kauri Whanau about ways we can help people. The Mission provides around 13,000 food parcels to Auckland-based individuals and families in desperate need each year. We will gladly support their good work of providing food and sometimes shelter for many who need these services of kindness.

Here is the link to the Auckland City Mission website if you would like to know more:

Cans for Sharing - support a good cause!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Sea Week - Exploring life in the ocean

This week we have enjoyed exploring the theme of Sea Week.We had an opportunity to follow our interests and use our curiosity to discover more about our oceans. The highlight of the week was our giant seascape of a coral reef and a kelp forest - two important eco-systems for our marine creatures.

We also had a thought provoking discussion about rubbish and the plastic islands that are forming in the currents of our seas. The devastating effect that this has on our sea animals is at crisis point for some species. We talked about how we can each make a difference in our habits to reduce trash and chemicals getting into our waterways and ending up in our oceans.

Settled even before the morning bell! Room 3 engaged in their art.